Stories of Hope

When it comes to PANS and PANDAS, it truly does take a village to help children and families get on a path to health and healing. The power of this village shines bright through our Look. Grant program, which is funded by our generous donors. We are living proof that a COMMUNITY can change lives and a VILLAGE can move mountains.

We are honored to feature some of our Look. Grant recipients and members of the Look. Village.

  • Emerson

    It makes our journey possible!! Without this grant we would not have had the ability to keep fighting, or to keep trying or to keep succeeding one tiny step at a time. This disease takes such a toll but I have to ask myself: As tired as we get, how exhausted must Emerson be? Thanks to your foundation we can continue to help Emerson with one less thing to worry about.

  • The Grant removed financial barriers to effective treatment. Your foundation gave us the opportunity to pursue advanced diagnostic tests and integrative treatment options. The fear of financial costs limited our family from pursuing these treatment options for several years. The grant literally lifted a weight for us. It broke down barriers. I do not believe that our children would be at this point in their healing journey without the grant we received. We are so grateful!


    To have advice and support from experts who understand PANS' impact on the child and the family is so important. Healing is a holistic process for the child and the family which requires multiple providers, medications and emotional support. The grant relieved much of the financial burden of care not covered by insurance. I am very grateful for the assistance.


  • Sarah

    The most impactful opportunity that my Grant money afforded me was the chance to revisit my Dr. and take the necessary tests I needed. Also, this helped me to further understand what is causing my symptoms.

    This journey has been long and difficult. A year ago I wouldn’t have been well enough to head to college. But now, I am able to! Very grateful for all that I have learned about my condition. I’m eager to understand more and continue to heal.

  • Feeling validated and being supported emotionally as a caregiver has given me the strength and determination to help further heal my son. Receiving financial support has allowed us to access additional diagnostics and appointments to continue to customize his ever changing treatment plan. Knowing and being part of a community with others who understand how incredibly difficult PANS is, has given me hope to not give up and pursue further healing.


    The grant has allowed me to pay for a lot of testing for gut health and follow up Bartonella testing that is other wise not covered by insurance. This allowed us to get treatment for something that would have other wise gone untreated and undiagnosed.


  • Eily

    Words will never come close to expressing my gratitude for being awarded the grant to assist on my healing journey. I am striving for nothing short of total healing, so I can one day join you all in helping others who battle PANS & PANDAS. All my love & gratitude.

  • Emilie

    The most impactful opportunity the grant provided us is peace of mind. Having two daughters afflicted with PANS has been emotionally and financially draining. This grant money will cover some of the monthly expenses for supplements and therapy, alleviating an immense amount of stress and allowing us to be able to relax and worry less about money. We are so very grateful for this support

  • Jake

    We are extremely gracious for the grant afforded to us in support of Jake's treatment.

    We were able to enjoy quality time this past summer as a family. The Foundation has been extremely helpful in allowing us an important outlet to tell our story and share information among families. Thank you!

  • Conner

    The grant helped us pay for diagnostic testing as well as the services of a PANS/PANDAS physician. Because of Connor's condition, he could not attend school regularly so I had to leave my job. This put an enormous strain on our finances. The grant helped relieve some of the financial burden so we can focus on getting Connor better.

  • Mia

    The Foundation grant afforded us the chance to take my daughter to get the right supplements and see a PANS/PANDAS doctor. My daughter is in a much better place and we are so grateful to you. Thank you thank you thank you!

  • The grant helped us access resources that we would not have been able to access without the grant. Above all the community community that we are now a part of is the most useful aspect of this grant.


    We had a very tough journey at the beginning with providers who did not support the diagnosis and we are grateful for those we found who do and provide excellent care. Healing is a holistic process for the child and the family which requires multiple providers, medications and emotional support. The grant relieved much of the financial burden of care not covered by insurance. I am very grateful for the assistance.


  • Abby

    Our journey with PANS has been nothing short of horrific and devastating. But because of the testing we were able to do with the Grant money, we became armed with important medical information about the overload of infection antibodies plaguing our daughter’s body and brain. I can happily say that today, Abby’s health is dramatically improving, and she is back to school full time after missing more than half of her middle school years. We now have hope for a future for our daughter that we could not see two years ago. The Grant helped us get here, and we couldn’t be more grateful.

  • Cory

    Cory's PANS/Lyme healing journey, which began many years ago, has been filled with incredible challenges and heartaches. The grant helped to provide Cory with the consistent treatment he needed. This helped to transform Cory's health, which has made such a positive impact on our lives. We are ever so grateful to the foundation for their generous, caring support, which has given our family hope and peace. Truly a blessing! With grateful hearts, Cory and family

  • Emily

    The most important thing that the grant afforded our family was belonging to a community. Before , our PANS world was very lonely. It is nice to have people who are going through the same thing and can understand what you're going through. The compassion that the foundation has shown us is something we will never forget.

  • Melissa's Kids

    The foundation grant was truly a blessing, as it offered us the ability to do more extensive testing on each of our three children. We were able to more accurately understand the complexity of their medical challenges, so that we could treat them effectively for Lyme disease/co-infections and mold toxicity. We are profoundly grateful for the support of Look. and we would not be where we are today in our healing journey if not for their generosity.

  • William

    We are ever so grateful for the grant which has provided options for medical care we couldn't otherwise afford as we strive towards a path of healing for my son. It has brought my son and I some peace of mind knowing he has doctors that understand and know how to treat PANS/PANDAS. Having the the Foundation as a support has helped us realize we are not alone and have hope for healing.

  • Ian & Abby

    We were so grateful to learn that your foundation offered grants to those in need who have children with PANS/PANDAS. The process was incredibly easy to walk through, and the foundation was so kind and generous. It is because of the grant we received that we were able to access providers who are giving both of our children lifesaving treatment and care. We are so grateful to the foundation for their generosity and kindness. Without this grant, we would not be walking our children toward health.

 Join the Look. Village and make a difference for families just like these!

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 What People Are Saying About Look.

“I received my check today and I wanted to thank you again for your generous donation.  This will be used to enroll my daughter in a nutrition program for PANS (what I think is the missing link). This will be a great help to my daughter as well as my entire family.  I appreciate your kind and thoughtful donation to help families with PANS.  It is one small glimmer of hope that we can get over this crippling disease.  Again, thank you for all you do for myself and the PANS community.”

— Sarah

“A million thanks for being the selfless and supportive women that you both are.  Hats off to both of you for pulling off such an amazing day!  It was wonderful to get self-care in and connect with others who are on a similar journey.”

— Shayna

“Thank you ladies for your help. It’s truly been the game changer for me. I will be in your shoes someday unless PANS/PANDAS is non-existent, God willing!”

— Amy

“Deeply appreciate your reaching out and all that you do for this community. Deep bow to you and Cathy in honor of all you do.”

— Christine

“Thank you both so much for your support and guidance! It is incredibly helpful (and comforting). On behalf of families impacted by PANS/PANDAS, thank you so much for all of your efforts and advocacy.”

— Val

“Thank you for your quick response and for willing to be a resource for us as we try to figure this out.”

— Nick

“Bless you guys!”

— Becky

“Thank you for your time. It was very helpful.”

— Stephanie

“Many thanks for your helpful advice and for all that you (and Cathy) do to help others! It is so appreciated.”

— Jamie

“You BOTH are AMAZING. I have said it before, I am beyond grateful for the both of you.  It’s just heartbreaking to watch our children sick all the time. It’s not in their control. I just want to say thank you so much to the both of you and to all the mothers that came there today.”

— Julie

“I think anyone who truly understands this illness wishes they had a magic wand, but I am a firm believer in people's super human power to evoke change through their selfish and courageous work like you are all doing.”

— Tiffany

“Thank you, Cathy and Jennifer! We very much appreciate all of the help, guidance and support! We can’t tell you how helpful it is to get this type of direction and feedback.”

— Brendan

“Thank you ladies for your help. It’s truly been the game changer for me.”

— Amy

“I just wanted to say it was a great pleasure meeting you both. When we ended the meeting I thought to myself wow that was the very first time I have not question in my mind if i was believed of not,or if i was crazy. Just by speaking with you,you both have given me so much hope.”


“You both have been so supportive. Jennifer, you gave me crucial resources when I had to appeal to the state for IVIG.”

— Stephanie