A PANS or PANDAS diagnosis is devastating for both a child and their caregivers. Learning about the disease, witnessing its alarming effects, and navigating potential treatments are not only stressful, but often traumatic for everyone involved. It can be a long and soul-crushing journey emotionally as well as financially. 

In the darkness and despair that this autoimmune disease brings, the PANS/PANDAS community offers a beacon of light. The Look. Foundation network—what we refer to as The Village of Hope—provides support, mentorship, and friendship to families fighting their way through the PANS/PANDAS maze. Our Village is made up of the Look. Team , parents, and selfless volunteers who donate their time to help us realize our mission. We are living proof that a COMMUNITY can change lives and a VILLAGE can move mountains.

If you’ve been touched by PANS and PANDAS personally or through reading stories from our families, we invite you to become part of our volunteer brigade.

Reach Out to Us

If you’re interested in volunteering at Look. Foundation in any of these capacities, we’d love to hear from you! Please fill out the Volunteer form below and we’ll be in touch soon.

Looking for a volunteer opportunity not listed?

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Fundraising

    When you volunteer for fundraising and events, you’ll play an active role in generating the funds used to provide grants to PANS/PANDAS families. This role is an excellent fit if you have prior fundraising experience and/or excellent communication skills. The Look. Team will provide proven tools and tips to help make raising money more efficient and successful. Want to help, but you’re short on time? Consider hosting a Facebook fundraiser on your page to help collect money for the cause.

  • Marketing

    Do you have a talent for writing, marketing, or graphic design? If so, we could use your skills to help promote Look. Foundation events and initiatives. We also welcome people who can help us manage our social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

  • Grant Writing

    Countless families are struggling to get their children with PANS/PANDAS the help they need and deserve. That’s why individual grants to support The Look. Foundation are more important than ever. If you have grant writing experience as well as the time to help us apply for grants, please reach out to our team at: grants@lookfoundation.org

  • Office Support

    Calling all multi-taskers! The Look. Foundation often needs people to assist with tasks like data entry, phone calls, projects, grant applications, mailings, and contacting labs to ask about testing discounts for our grant recipients.

  • Intern (Special Projects)

    We occasionally seek interns for projects like assembling education materials to send out to doctors and schools. This is a valuable opportunity to learn about non-profit operations while helping to raise much-needed awareness about PANS/PANDAS.

  • Other

    If you have skills, resources, or connections that may be beneficial to The Look. Foundation and its goals, please let us know! We partner with a number of local professionals and businesses who support our mission.

  • COMING SOON: Caregiver Support

    Help us field requests from parents and caregivers and guide them on next steps. We want people to know that we “get it” and they’re not alone. This is a great opportunity if you’re compassionate by nature and enjoy working with people. Many of our volunteers are the parents of children who have recovered from PANS or PANDAS. Caregiver Support calls are usually done via phone or Zoom video call.