Frequently Asked Questions

  • A Look. Grant covers expenses relating to the treatment of PANS and PANDAS. This includes medication, supplements, doctor visits, lab testing, and alternative practitioners. Should other PANS/PANDAS expenses arise, Look. will review those expenses on a case-by-case basis.

    Grants may not be used for PANS/PANDAS treatment for anyone other than the grant recipient. In addition, grants may not be used for past medical debt, food, rent, mortgage expenses or travel expenses.

  • Look. Grants have an initial award of up to $2,500 and can range up to $5,000 per individual.

  • The initial award is up to $2,500. The Look. Foundation must receive the appropriate feedback before additional funding is considered. Each recipient must verify the use of funds and complete the Grant Feedback Form before they can re-apply for additional funding.

  • The Look. Foundation uses a 100% confidential, HIPPA-compliant online application system. To apply for a Look Grant, you must submit an application form, a doctor’s letter, and letters of support. You will be notified of the decision via email and that decision will also be posted to your account.

  • Each family is required to use the same account, with the same username and password. However, a separate application and doctor’s letter is required for each child applying.

  • The Look. Foundation will determine medical eligibility with the help of the applicant’s treating U.S.-based licensed medical provider. The medical provider letter must meet the following requirements:

    • Addressed to The Look. Foundation

    • Written on the doctor’s letterhead

    • Signed by the doctor

    • Confirm the diagnosis of PANS/PANDAS

    • State applicant’s name and date of birth, and provide a brief case history

    • A treating physician is defined as an MD, ND, DO, PA-C, or NP. The grant application is not eligible for consideration by the Board of Directors until The Look. Foundation receives the doctor’s letter.

  • We’ll send you email notifications once we’ve received your application, doctor’s letter, and letters of support. You will also receive a final email when your application is complete. You may log in at any time to view your account and check the status of your application. In addition, you’re welcome to reach out to us at any time with questions regarding the application process. Please email us at

  • After the board meeting, The Look. Foundation will email each applicant with a decision. This decision will also be posted to your online account. You will be notified approximately 6 weeks after the application deadline.

  • To be reconsidered at future board meetings, please email us at You may provide more details on your financial situation, current medical needs, or any new obstacles we may not be aware of. Your grant application will stay active for one year.

  • If you are selected for a grant, you must sign an online pledge form stating that you’ll provide feedback and verify the use of funds. We require the submission of all receipts used for treatment. We also want to learn more about you and your child’s PANS/PANDAS journey. Your story may be used on our website.

  • You do not need to use all your funds before applying for another grant. However, we recommend that at least 75% of your initial grant funds be spent before you re-apply. If you need to re-apply before most of the funds are spent, please email us at

Still have a question you need answered? Contact us here.