Look. Foundation Blog

Jeff Cunningham Jeff Cunningham

Hope, Healing, and Faith

As her parents, we used to feel sad about all that Emily missed but came to accept that this journey was placed upon us to guide her into becoming the person that she is today: kind, caring, thoughtful, empathetic and full of life. We are grateful for all who have helped us along the way and look forward to even more healing and growing each day.

We are very proud of Emily's artwork, which is a reflection of hope and healing, as the hummingbird brings together all of the beauty that was unraveled. Emily's middle name is Rose, so she wanted to incorporate flowers and the hummingbird as a symbol of hope.

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Jeff Cunningham Jeff Cunningham

Finding Myself After PANS/PANDAS

In elementary school, I clawed through days filled with headaches, brain fog, and focus difficulties, struggling with basic tasks like drawing shapes and throwing a ball around at recess. My writing fell in slanted lines across the page, and no matter how many times I rewrote each letter, the final product still ended up warped. Lights were so bright they made my head spin—music, a cacophony I couldn’t understand anyone ever wanting to listen to. Despite being gifted in math from an early age, I inexplicably dropped out of the advanced section of my class, my ability to grasp shapes and visual representations of numbers quickly slipping.

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Jeff Cunningham Jeff Cunningham

Hope Has the Power to Heal

By becoming part of the JBC community (or, family), the places where I previously only knew isolation are now marked with a sense of community and belonging. I am not battling PANS on my own; I can rest secure knowing that there are others who are working towards healing & wholeness with me, and who will walk with me all the way to the other side. Knowing all of this brings me a renewed sense of hope, a hope that is born out of communion with others.

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